When to start collecting social security benefits? You can start collecting a reduced benefit as early as age 62. Although it might not be the best financial decision, claiming early social security benefits is a popular strategy according to a report by the Center for Retirement Research. Some in this group of recipients may still work, but they have to worry about an "earnings test", which may result in a temporary reduction in social security benefits. A common myth is that these benefits are lost forever, but the truth is that they will eventually be recouped if you live long enough.

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Want to boost your performance at work? Pick out a colleague who is really good in an area where you want to improve - and move your desk next to him or her. Proximity to high achievers can lift people’s performance in various jobs, via inspiration, peer pressure or new learning, a growing body of research shows. The findings offer a silver lining to anyone annoyed at the current fad of flexible office-seating arrangements; employees can use them to their advantage.

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